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Fountain Of Life Christian Church

Sunday Service

Prayer Time        9:00 AM

English Service 10:00 AM


7811 Frankford Ave

Philadelphia, PA 19136


Servicios Dominicales

Escuela Dominical         10:00 AM

Adoración y Mensaje    11:30 AM


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Our Beliefs

See our views on God, Jesus, and the Bible




Youth Group
Wednesday Nights at 7:00PM

We have topics geared towards youth issues, open Bible discussions, activities, one-on-one/group games and snacks! This is a great time to learn and meet new friends. Hope to see you soon!

Ages 15-19

Kids' Night
Wednesday Nights at 7:00PM

We will be learning more about God’s Word and how important He is in our daily lives! We make crafts that match each teaching the Bible has for us! We also regularly host game nights with prizes!

Ages 8-12

Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 7:00PM

Join us on Wednesdays Nights at 7:00PM where we dive into the word and learn it's true meaning. To learn more feel free to get in touch!

Adults Only

Awaking Youth Ministries

Movie Night

Awaking Youth Ministries presented “Movie Night”! Capturing the essences of a real theater we had a concession stand where you could buy snacks and drinks! We watched “Overcomer” in the gym and had an additional movie provided for the younger children in a separate area. Thank you to all who attended!

Valentines Day

Couple's Dinner

This great event was filled with good food, fun, laughter and prizes! Thank you to all who attended and made this wonderful night a success! We want to give a special thanks to Maria and Vanessa for organizing and decorating this event.

Valentines Day

Kids' Night Fundraiser

Thank you to all who were able to donate to our children's ministry! Hope you all enjoyed the doughnuts, candy and pretzels that we sold to raise the much needed funds!

Our Vision


Nuestro Visón

1 Timothy 2:3-4
"This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

FLCC is called to Reach, Retain, and Reproduce disciples for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ throughout the local community and beyond.

ICDV fue llamado para Rescatar, Retener, y Reproducir discipulos para el Reino de Jesucristo en la comunidad local y a lo mas alla.




Mon - Wednesday : 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

7811 Frankford Ave Phila. PA 19136

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©  Fountain of Life Christian Church / Iglesia Cristiana Fuente de Vida

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